The 5 Best Tactics For Monetizing Viral Traffic

Viral Traffic
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Earning income from varies from that generated by other kinds of traffic. The reality is that reaches your page without searching for something special, as holds true with daily traffic from a particular link on the net or online search engine.

The bounce rate of viral traffic tends to be greater and conversions much lower. This is due to the fact that they only came to view the viral material.

The Difference Between Viral and Regular Traffic

Let’s suppose that a user from an online search engine arrives on your website after typing in buy slow cooker or top slow cookers. These are “purchase” keywords and they are undeniably wanting to purchase a slow cooker. Consequently, those offers will get considerably more attention and increased conversions.

On the flip side, another user lands on your website due to a video you created that went viral. It showcases a full dinner meal prepared in one pot. That visitor is unlikely to be motivated in making a purchase. Possibly, they already own one and just want the recipe, or they are simply curious.

There are other methods to make cash from viral traffic, continue reading to discover more.

Invite Users To Subscribe To Blog Updates


Considering that viral traffic came to view some specific material, it’s appropriate to provide them with the same content by placing a subscription form nearby. They are liable to have an interest in seeing more of this kind of material in the future.

Clearly display the RSS feed button or the e-mail blog notification form, so that you can continue to hold their focus. As they become familiar with your content, the possibility of them purchasing something grows substantially.

Develop Email Lists


Monetizing Viral TrafficBe sure to have an opt-in form on your site which offers free gifts to your subscribers. That way you can grow your list to use in your email marketing campaigns. This is a far more reliable method than attempting to convince them immediately. Thereafter, you can advertise to them at regular intervals through email.

Using the slow cooker example above, you can offer an eBook with meal ideas that will entice that traffic to subscribe.



Considering they are so extremely targeted to the particular user that comes to a website, Google Adsense and other CPC advertisements see high conversion rates. Generally, advertisements are based upon current searches that the user has actually done online. Therefore a highly trafficked website can earn significant revenue from those click rates.



Offering advertising space is among the leading ways to monetize high-traffic sites.

Advertising profits rise substantially on websites that have a great deal of traffic. It could be among the biggest earning capacities for viral traffic spurts.Monetizing Viral Traffic

You can utilize different marketing platforms to get in touch with marketers wanting to purchase advertising slots. You can either try Buy Sell Ads, or contact them directly.

Make certain to include an Advertise With Us on your site. The page should supply all the info needed to engage those seeking to buy ad space.

Earn Money for Leads


When viral traffic does not result in sales, a great approach to money-making is through CPA (Cost Per Action) programs. The standard payment from these types of programs is between $2 and $40. Sometimes even more per lead in particular markets. For instance, Netflix rewards publishers $25 for all free trial sign-ups completed on their website. That sort of compensation can certainly be worthwhile.

The crucial factor in transforming CPA deals is to make sure to select relevant offers that match the content on your website. Let’s say your material is about computers and you produce a viral video showcasing online safety tips.

Consequently, applicable CPA ads can be displayed which refers traffic to VPN (Virtual Private Network) companies. The reality that no sale is involved, just an exchange of contact information can result in much greater conversions compared to other offers.


12-Minute Affiliate


The above approaches, like any other internet marketing techniques, involve evaluation to see what works best on your website and within your specific niche.

Test various techniques, various ads, and ad positions. Ensure you have either an email marketing opt-in or a blog update subscription form. Both these strategies allow you to acquire their contact details and communicate with them at regular intervals.


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